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Franziska Taube

Franziska Taube


For Hamburg photographer Franziska Taube, photography means capturing a sensual moment. She concentrates on sophisticated food and creative interior photography. Among her customers are magazines and enterprises around the world. Book-publishing companies also appreciate the work of the young photographer. She has already published two cookbooks and one interiors book.

Since 2009 Franziska Taube has been working closely with stylist Sina Koall. The two make up a well-functioning team and have already made a name for themselves on the creative scene. Their photo series focus on low-cost decorating ideas and easy do-it-yourself projects with a functional character. These ideas are easy to realize even by the inexperienced.

The mix of perfectly staged scenes combined with illustrative decorative examples and clever tricks, makes each of her photos a source of inspiration. The breath-taking and clear visual language underlines the authenticity of her ideas and awakens the desire to recreate them.