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Vegetarian bulgur with ajvar dip

Vegetarian bulgur with ajvar dip

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Pizza doppio with salmon, red onions, and mushrooms
Vegetarian bulgur with ajvar dip
Oven gyros with paprika and feta on a baking tray
Mediterranean spinach wreath
Quick tarte flambée 'Italia' with figs and sausage
Roasted Gourmet sandwiches with sliced turkey, pears, and Gorgonzola
Fish skewers with chimichurri on a baking tray
White cabbage steaks ona baking sheet with red onions and apples
Vegetarian vegetable flatbread with beetroot, carrots, and broccoli

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Référence de l’image: 13488772
Titre de l’image: Vegetarian bulgur with ajvar dip
Type de licence:Droits gérés
Photographe: StockFood / Gräfe & Unzer Verlag / Arras, Klaus
Taille de l’image:5906 px x 4426 px
Restrictions: clearance required for cookbooks in DE